24-Hour Emergency Service


We are always available for our clients!

Murphy’s Law states that “anything that can go wrong, will go wrong”. This law seems to apply in the world of family pets. Emergency situations arise any time of the day, and any day of the week. That is why our our clients can rest assured they will be covered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

We have developed a very successful Emergency Service Co-Op with Marquette Veterinary Clinic and Gwinn-Sawyer Veterinary Clinic. This will ensure that our clients will have their needs met when we are not open. Depending on the weekend, when you call our pager, you may be directed toward one of the other clinics. 

Because of the large patient load that the on-call clinic takes on during a weekend, we are often at maximum patient capacity. We ask that anyone who is not a client of ours, or the other two clinics, call your veterinarian if you have an emergency.

During regular business hours, any of our clients with an emergency situation may call our business phone at (906) 485-6145. Our receptionist will promptly refer you to one of our veterinarians.

After-hour emergency concerns can be addressed by calling our Emergency Pager System at (906) 222-5896. Listen to the message to determine if you need to call one of the other two clinics, or just leave your name and phone number and our on-call veterinarian will call you back within 15 minutes.

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