Tips For New Kitten Parents

Tips for Help Your New Kitten Parent

Congratulations on your new arrivals. Welcoming a litter of fluffy bundles of joy is undoubtedly a special experience. However, with the excitement comes the responsibility of ensuring your new kittens’ health and well-being. Here are some tips for Ishpeming, MI, pet owners navigating the initial weeks with their newborn kittens:

Create a Cozy and Secure Nesting Space

Provide a quiet, warm place for your mama cat and her kittens. A cardboard box lined with soft towels or blankets works well. Place it in a draft-free location away from household activity.

Offer Mom Proper Nutrition and Hydration

Nursing mothers require extra calories and nutrients. Make sure she is being fed as much as she needs to keep the kittens healthy.

Monitor Kitten Development

Newborn kittens should nurse frequently and steadily gain weight. Their bellies should be pleasantly plump and they should eliminate regularly. Watch for signs of lethargy, difficulty breathing, or lack of interest in feeding, which could indicate potential issues.

Minimize Handling and Respect Mom's Boundaries

Allow the mother cat to bond with her kittens without excessive interference. Limit handling unless necessary, and always approach gently and calmly. Respect her cues: hissing or swatting indicates the need for space.

A Pet Wellness Exam with a Veterinarian on Our Veterinary Team

Schedule a well-kitten exam within a week of birth, even if everything seems normal. Your Ishpeming veterinarian will conduct a thorough physical examination, check for any =defects, and administer essential vaccinations. These steps are here to help safeguard your kittens' health and future well-being.

Routine Care

Kittens may require regular deworming according to a veterinarian's recommendations. External parasite prevention is also important to protect them from fleas, ticks, and other harmful pests. A veterinarian on our team will advise on suitable products and protocols based on your local parasite risks.

Spaying and Neutering Can Be Important

Spaying and neutering can be important for responsible pet ownership. Once your kittens reach the appropriate age, discuss this essential preventative measure with your veterinarian. It can help benefit their health, prevents unwanted litters, and contributes to a healthier feline community.

Get Routine Care and Pet Exams from a Veterinarian Near You at Our Pet Hospital

We at Northern Veterinary Associates proudly serve Ishpeming, MI, and surrounding areas, offering care for your feline companions at every stage of life. Our dedicated team of veterinarians and staff are passionate about providing compassionate and expert care for your furry companions.

Contact us today to schedule your kittens' well-kitten exam and discuss their ongoing healthcare needs. We're here to partner with you in ensuring your new arrivals thrive and enjoy a healthy, happy life. Call us at (906) 485-6145 for routine care and pet exams from a veterinarian near you at our pet hospital.

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