Christmas is quickly approaching, we are all busy getting ready for our family gatherings. We are running around, shopping for gifts and food for the celebrations. All the decorations are coming out of the attic. We are making sure our houses are safe for our pets… We are doing that, right? This time of year brings lots of joy and happiness to us and our family, but there are a few things to consider in order to ensure our furry family members are safe and happy. We at Northern Veterinary Associates want to make sure your pets stay out of harm’s way during the Holidays. This is usually a busy time of year for us, but we would prefer if it was quiet at the clinic! That would mean all of our patients are enjoying the festivities with their families. We have included two links that will help you during this time of year. One link is to a very informative article from the Pet Health Network, and the other one is contact information to the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center. The doctors  and staff at Northern Veterinary Associates wish you and your family a very happy, healthy, and safe Holiday Season!

Link to Pet Health Network

ASPCA Poison Control

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